Monday, July 6, 2009


Babies are the most incredible things in the world. Or out of it, for that matter. They have tiny, perfect fingers and tiny toes and those big, innocent eyes. Their hair is so soft and they’re so delicate. I love it when they hold your finger with their tiny little hand. My sister Jazzy did that until she was four. We slept on a bunk bed, her on the bottom and me on the top, and I’d dangle my arm over the side of the bed so she could hold my fingers. It was so cute. Babies have that adorable little cry and they make those little sucking noises on their pacifiers.

In case you haven’t figured it out, there’s going to be a new baby in my house in December! My big sister Ne-Ce is having a baby. She wants a girl. I want a girl, too. If it’s a girl her name is going to be Marina. I want her middle name to be Gabrielle but Ne-Ce doesn’t like it. She said we already have two Gabrielle’s, me being one and our cousin the other (it’s a total coincidence that’s my name, too; I didn’t even come up with Gabrielle, my other sister did). If it’s a boy his name will be Ezekiel James. I suggested Gabriel but she doesn’t like that, either.

I can’t wait until Marina is born!!! I want to go to the hospital when she’s born but Mom and Dad probably won’t wake me up. According to my experience, babies are always born in the middle of the night. I had this great plan. When December rolls around, I’ll keep watch every night. When Ne-Ce calls Mom and Dad to tell them it’s time, I’ll climb out my window and hide in the car. They won’t even know I’m there until it’s too late to kick me out. I told Ne-Ce my plan and she said, “Or I could just say, ‘Mom and Dad can you bring Gabrielle with you’,” like I was two years old. She’s wonderful that way.

Babies are so cool. I’m going to make Marina a hat, Liz is making her a blanket, and DD is making her bracelets. Why a newborn needs a bracelet made out of tiny beads I don’t know but who cares? Marina is going to have twenty-four aunts and uncles and twelve grandparents to spoil her. Technically fourteen of the aunts and uncles would be second cousins but they said they’d rather be fake aunts and fake uncles. My cousin Tiff is going to throw the baby shower; she’s guarding the title of Baby-Show-Thrower very jealously.

I can’t believe we have to wait all the way until December. Buddy (my youngest brother) is Marina’s self-appointed little bodyguard. He thinks he’s going to make her play with him all the time. It’s really cute.

Why does it take nine months? Why couldn’t it be one?

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