Thursday, April 15, 2010

Eldarwen ( is having a blog party and an awesome giveaway for the Owl City cd Ocean Eyes. And here’s the tag (I love tags ^_^)

1) How old are you? I’m sixteen. Seventeen in August.

2) What name do you go by on blogger? Gabriellan

3) When is your birthday? August 30

4) If you could live anywhere in the world, besides where you live now, where would it be? California. I was born there and I loved the beach.

5) How did you find out about Blogger? From Earwen. I found out about WordPress from her, too.

6) Tell us something interesting about yourself: Hm. My little brother and I have this game where we tickle each other and then blame it on an invisible man. Huh. Sounds less crazy when you’re actually doing it.

7) What was your favorite toy when you were little? Plastic horses. My favorite one was a bay named Star that my sister gave to me for my birthday. My cousin broke off all his legs. *sigh*

What is your favorite meal? Have you ever cooked/helped cook that meal? My favorite meal is barbecued ribs and mashed potatoes, or Shepherd’s Pie. I’ve helped cook both.

9) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I’d want to be less lazy. I enjoy napping way too much.

10) Are you an outside person, or an inside person? I don’t know. Depends on the season.

11) Are you a mommy’s boy/girl, or a daddy’s boy/girl? Neither, although I spend more time with my mom.

12) In one word, describe the feeling you get when you stub your toe, after just being told by your parents that you are grounded for the next month: (gotta copy Earwen on this one) AARRRRGGGGHHHH!

13) Let’s say you TP’d your friend’s house (for those of you who don’t know what TP’d stands for, it means toilet papered. As in, put toilet paper on their trees, cars, house, porch, etc.). If someone asked you why you TP’d your friends house, you would say: It seemed like a good idea at the time.

14) Have you ever gone swimming in deep, dark, dirty water? Yes, at the South Carolinian beach. Right after watching Jaws. It was…interesting.

15) Have you ever dreamed about getting ready to leave the house, and forgetting to get your pants on? No. But I have started out of the house in my pajamas; and in clothes with slippers.

16) Have you ever done something so ridiculous, that you wish you’d never done it? If so, what? I love doing ridiculous stuff, like making faces at other people when we’re driving. I haven’t regretted any of it. So far

17) Imagine that you saw a purse snatching. What would you do?

a) scream and run away. b) move out of the state/country. c) tackle the purse snatcher to the ground. d) ignore it, start whistling, and turn the other direction. c, definitely. I’m always happy to help – plus my dad had me and my siblings do wrestling matches when we were younger. I like to hit people.

18) How many friends do you have on blogger? I d’know… but I love em all!

19) What makes blogging so much fun for you? I like to talk, and on a blog I don’t have to try to talk louder and faster than all my siblings

20) You’re a turtle, who has bet that you can win a race with a rabbit. How does it turn out? I’d probably feel bad for the rabbit and let him win. I’m such a pushover.


  1. Hi Gabrielle!
    I read your answers and some of them were quite amusing. LOL. =)

  2. Model horses were my toys of choice too. I inevitably broke off all the legs. :?
