Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Funny Story

Why did I say this was a funny story? Because it’s not funny. AT ALL. It’s a terrible story, actually, filled with my misery. This is what happened.

Sunday night, me and my friend Karlee decided to have a writing contest. I forgot I had a dentist appointment. Early Monday morning my mom drags my sorry self out of bed to the dentist so I can get my spacers on. I had no idea what spacers were and in case you don’t know, either, I’ll tell you. THEY SUCK. They’re tiny little rubberbands stuck between your teeth. You’d think they wouldn’t hurt at all. Think again. My teeth are so close together, when the spacers went on my mouth was so sore I couldn’t even sleep. I couldn’t eat, either, so I had to sit at the dinner table and have yogurt while my family had chicken.

Early Tuesday morning I am once again dragged out of bed and to the dentist to get the braces put on. First they had to yank the spacers out, in which process I just about cried, and then they jammed on these metal bands in the back of my mouth. My eyes watered then. It hurt, and the only thing I had for comfort was Spongebob on TV. So finally the braces are on and I’m thinking, not too bad. By the time I got home, I was thinking something else entirely.

Mom gave me aspirin. My mouth had actually stopped hurting so bad by then so I figured I’d take some aspirin and I’d be back to normal. After all, I had a piano recital later that I needed to be in top condition for. The aspirin didn’t do anything and the recital was absolute misery. There was even a reception afterward, and I couldn’t eat anything, which put me in an exceptionally bad mood. My bad mood was helped along even further when we got home and I found my sister had made my favorite dinner, which I also couldn’t eat.

So, starving and miserable, I took that wretched aspirin that hadn’t helped at all, and took…well, a bit more than they said to take. It was just the generic stuff – how potent could it be? Pretty potent, turns out. I got a headache, a stomachache, and a couple of interesting hallucinations for my trouble. The whole point of this to say, while I couldn’t write, the last hallucination gave me a great idea for a plot twist for my novel.

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