Monday, June 29, 2009


Starting Time: 3:56 pm
Name: Gabrielle
Sisters: Natalie, Ne-Ce, Kay, Lizzy, DD, Jazzy
Brothers: Zeke, Wes, Stevie, Darius
What are you wearing? Green shorts, black shirt with MUSTANG on it
Favorite Number: 15
Favorite Drink: Root beer soda
Favorite Month: August
Favorite Breakfast: marshmallow treasures cereal
Love someone so much who made you cry? No
Broken a bone: no
Been in a police car: yes
Been on a boat? no
Came close to dying: yes; almost drowned
Been in a hot tub: Yep
Swam in the ocean: a bunch when I was little
Fallen asleep in school: yes!
Cried when someone died: Yes
Fallen off your chair: All the time!

Who did you last yell at? My brother
Do you like filling these out? yes
Do you like yourself? God made me just the way I am so yes!

----------------------------Today did you------------------
Talk to someone you like? yes
Get sick? No
Sing? yes
Miss someone? no

--------------------------Last person who------------------
You talked to on the phone with? Mom
Made you cry? Don’t remember
Went to the mall with? Big sisters
Been to Europe? No
Been to Asia? No
Been to Russia? No
Been to the Bahamas? No
Been to Mexico? No
Been to Canada? No
Been to Africa? No.

-------------------Final Questions---------------------------
What are you listening to right now? Keys to the Kingdom by Group 1 Crew
Do you hate someone in your family? No
What car do you wish to have? Jeep Wrangler
Good singer? I like to sing and that’s all I’m saying
Indoors or outdoors? 50-50
Do you have a job? I volunteer at the zoo
Are you lonely right now? Nope
Time Finished: 4:00 pm

I tag: Esther Lowery, Tinydancer, and April


Who is your favorite artist? My sister Ne-Ce

Who is your favorite classical composer? Beethoven

Who is your favorite singer? I d’know – maybe Misty from my church.

Do you like to write? Yes

What genre? Horses mostly

What is your favorite picture book? Does Fox In Socks count? It’s sort of a picture book.

Favorite book? Maximum Ride books (there’s no picking just one)

Favorite painting? A picture of wild horses I saw on the internet one time

Do you compose music? No

Do you write songs? Last year I did

Do you like poetry? Most of the time

Do you write poetry? All the time

Favorite poet? All my favorite poems have “-unknown” at the end

I tag: Read A Review, J.R Parker, Earwen